Many moons ago I studied A-level politics at Chase Terrace Technology College in Burntwood Staffordshire. It was my favourite subject along with history at school and I recall very fond memories of going on a school trip to the Houses of Parliament the heart of British democracy. Part of the trip was looking down Downing Street and I remember saying to myself that one day I will walk through those black gates little did I know that it wouldn’t be just the gates I would be walking through.


In January 2019, I recieved an invitation beginning with; Cllr Wai-Lee Ho, The Prime Minister requests the pleasure of your company. I must have read those first few words 3-4 times before it sunk in. What had a small time parish councillor done to deserve such an honour? My name had apparently been put forward by a Chinese organisation because of the help and support I had given them. Still, I am sure there are other people who deserved this honor more than I but of course I was happy to accept and booked my train ticket to London.


When I arrived at those “black gates” I gave the polite police officer my invitation and ID for him to tell his colleague my name (which was pronounced correctly for a change) to confirm me on the list of guests. I was on it! Thank goodness this wasn’t just an expensive piratical joke at my expense! And there I was fulfilling my boyhood dream of walking through those “black gates”. Walking down Downing Street towards that black door with the number 10 on it was surreal to say the least. Some journalist on my left as I turn right to face Number 10. I approach… the door starts to open and I walk through. I am now inside Number 10 Downing Street.


What I want people to take away from this story is never ever give up on your dreams and aspirations. Things will get hard, the vision my get cloudy but hold true to yourself and your dreams will become reality.